Get Paid For Your Opinion at Consumer Product Testing This July


Looking out for our families in every way we can is an important part of being a mama and at Consumer Product Testing Company (CPT) in Fairfield, we can get paid for it by testing out new products before they even hit the market. A variety of new studies each month give you the opportunity to voice your opinion on what works and what you love, all while helping to shape the products that you and your little ones are using. Read on below to find out how and when you can have a say, and check out some more about Consumer Product Testing Company in our guide here.

via Consumer Product Testing Co

Here are some of Consumer Product Testing Company’s trials this July:

Ingrown Hair Treatment

How it works: For this study, you’ll receive a qualifying examination of your bikini line area for ingrown hair(s) by a registered nurse. At least 1 ingrown hair must be present to qualify. The area surrounding the identified ingrown hair will be visually evaluated for redness. If you qualify, you’ll then receive the test material, use instructions, and daily diary to document your test material use. After days 1, 3, 4, and 7 of using the test material, you’ll return to the testing facility, where a registered nurse will then evaluate the ingrown hair (if it is still present) and the surrounding area. Your test material and completed daily diary will be returned to the testing facility at your final visit, and you’ll answer a final questionnaire.

Who can participate: This study is for females, ages 20 years to 65 years old.

Date: Open Enrollment – until study fills
Mondays: 8:30AM – 9:00AM & 2:00PM – 2:30PM

Once you’ve qualified, you will have a choice of Groups 1, 2, 3 or 4 based on availability.

Group 1: Mon. June 7th, Tues. June 18th, Thurs. June 20th, Fri. June 21st,
Mon. June 24th
Group 2: Mon. June 24th, Tues. June 25th, Thurs. June 27th, Fri. June 28th,
Mon, July 1st
Group 3: Mon. July 8th, Tues. July 9th, Thurs. July 11th, Fri. July 12th,
Mon. July 15th
Group 4: Mon. 7/15, Tues. 7/16, Thurs. 7/18, Fri. 7/19,
Mon. July 22nd

Payment: $60

How to sign up: To sign up for this study, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363 and Press 5, 7 or 8.

Tampon Study

How it works: Upon your first visit for this study, you’ll receive an external and internal gynecological (speculum) examination by a board-certified gynecologist. If you qualify, you’ll then receive the test material, use instructions, as well as a daily diary to document test material usage. You’ll then use the test material each day of your menstrual cycle. After, you’ll make your second visit to the testing facility for a final gynecological examination conducted by the board-certified gynecologist. You’ll need to return the test material and completed daily diaries, and complete a questionnaire.

Who can participate: This study is for females, ages 18 years to 50 years old.

Date: First visit: June 25th, 10AM-2PM (20 minutes)
Final visit: July 23, 10AM-2PM (20 minutes)
*Both dates are mandatory for this study.

Payment: $80

How to sign up: To sign up for this study, please call the CPT team 973-808-7363, and press 5 or 7.

Makeup Remover Stick Study

How it works: Upon your first visit for this study, you’ll read an eye chart after acclimating to room temperature for 15 minutes. You’ll then receive an examination by a board-certified ophthalmologist that will include the following:
– You’ll rate sensations of burning/stinging, itching, foreign body sensation, and soreness of your eyes.
– An examination by slit lamp
– An examination of the surrounding skin of your eye
– If you wear contacts, you’ll have to remove them.
– You will then receive a fluorescein staining evaluation, where the ophthalmologist will use a piece of blotting paper with dye to touch the surface of each your right and left eye. You’ll then be instructed to blink, to spread the dye across your eyes and to coat the tear film covering the surface of the corneas. Then, the ophthalmologist will shine a blue light at your eyes, looking for any deposits or defect of the corneas.

If you qualify, you will apply the test material under clinical supervision. You’ll then receive the test material, written use instructions to use the test material at home for 4 weeks, and a daily diary.

You’ll return after 1 week with your used test material and completed diary. Your test material will be weighed, and your daily diaries and medications will be reviewed. You’ll then answer a questionnaire before repeating the visual acuity check and ophthalmologist evaluations, as described above. Your questionnaire will be reviewed, and your diary will be returned. After another 4 weeks, you’ll return to have all evaluations by the ophthalmologist repeated, and answer one more questionnaire.

Who can participate: This study is for females, ages 18 years to 45 years old.

Date: June 18th, 1:00PM – 2:30PM (45 minutes)
June 25th, 1:00PM – 2:30PM (45 minutes)
July 16th 1:00PM – 2:30PM (45 minutes)

Payment: $75

How to sign up: To sign up for this study, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363, and press 7 at the prompt.

Microneedling/Topical Test Material – Back Study

How it works: For this study, if you qualify, your test site will be cleansed. Then, you will have 5% Lidocaine (numbing cream) applied to the test site and covered with Saran wrap or equivalent. You’ll then wait 20 minutes and the test site will be cleansed again. The microneedle pen will then be applied (it creates tiny punctures in the skin using micro-fine needles). After each procedure, pinpoint bleeding is expected. A second pass of the microneedle may need to be performed. The test site will then be wiped down with an alcohol wipe. The test material will then be applied to the test site and allowed to dry for at least 15 minutes. Then a thin layer of Clindamycin Phosphate (antibiotic) gel will be applied directly onto the test site and allowed it to dry for 5 minutes before the subject dresses. The test site will not require bandaging.

Who can participate: This study is for males and females.

Date: You’ll have a choice of 2 dates with 6 visits.
July 2nd, 9:30AM – 4:30PM
July 9th, 9:30AM – 4:30PM

Payment: $175

How to sign up: To sign up for this study, please call the CPT team 973-808-7363 and Press 5, 7 or 8.

Liquid Eye Shadow Study

How it works: You will have a brief eye examination by a board-certified ophthalmologist at the first visit for qualification. Each panelist will receive the test material, written use instructions, and a daily diary. Panelists will be instructed to use the test material at home for 4 weeks. Panelists will receive a final eye examination by a board-certified ophthalmologist at the final visit.
*No eye makeup is to be worn to testing facility visits
*Contact wearers must wear contacts to testing facility visits.

Who can participate: This study is for females, ages 18 years to 65 years old.

Date: July 2nd, 1PM – 3PM (20 minutes)
July 30th, 1PM – 3PM (20 minutes)

Payment: $55

How to sign up: To sign up for this study, please call the CPT team 973-808-7363 and Press 5 or 7.

Turmeric Eye Cream Study

How it works: For this study, you’ll be receiving a pre-screening ophthalmic examination to ensure eye health and, if appropriate, the correct fit and condition of your contact lenses. If you qualify, you’ll receive the test material, written use instructions, and a daily diary. You’ll then be instructed to use the test material at home for 4 weeks. After, you’ll receive an eye examination by a board-certified ophthalmologist at the week 4 return visit. And be sure not to wear eye makeup to the testing facility visits!

In order to take part in this study, you must have no visible skin or eye disease that might be confused with a reaction to the test material. CPT is currently in need of soft and hard contact lens wearers if possible, as well as non-contact lens wearers. You cannot be participating in other studies of the face or head.

Who can participate: This study is for females, ages 18 years to 65 years old.

Date: June 28th, 4PM – 5:30PM (20 minutes)
July 26th, 4PM – 5:30PM – (20 minutes)

Payment: $55

How to sign up: To sign up for this study and make your appointment, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363, and press 5, 7, or 8.

Avocado Eye Mask Study

How it works: For this study, you’ll have a brief eye examination by a board-certified ophthalmologist at the first visit for qualification. If you qualify, you’ll receive the test material, written use instructions, and a daily diary. You’ll then be instructed to use the test material at home for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you’ll revisit the testing facility to receive an eye examination by a board-certified ophthalmologist. Be sure not to wear any eye makeup to the testing facility for your visits! CPT is currently accepting non-contact and contact lens wearers until their quota is filled.

Who can participate: This study is for females, ages 18 years to 65 years old.

Date: June 24th, 4PM – 6PM (20 minutes)
July 8th, 2PM – 4PM (20 minutes)

Payment: $45

How to sign up: To sign up for this study and make your appointment, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363, and press 5, 7, or 8.

Ongoing Sunscreen Studies

How it works: If you are new to these studies, you will be asked to come in prior to scheduling an appointment to make sure you qualify. Just be sure that you are not tan, tanning, or sunburned at your visit. Once you qualify, you’ll receive testing material with instructions, as well as a daily diary to document your experience. Since this study can last anywhere between 7.5-8 hours, CPT suggests bringing a few small snacks to eat, but nothing hot, or with caffeine. You’ll also want to bring a pillow or cushion to sit on to make sure your visit is as comfortable as possible.

Who can participate: This study is for males and females, ages 18 years to 70 years old.

Date: Every Monday through Friday, at 8AM, 9AM OR 1PM, by appointment only.
On-going studies every day which include Water, UVA and Static Studies.

Payment: $80-$120, depending on the time and length of the study. An additional $15 will be added to your study depending on the length of time. If you refer a friend, and it is their first study completed, you’ll receive an extra $20 bonus as well.

How to sign up: To sign up for this study and make your appointment, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363, and press 8.

14 Day Cumulative Patch Study

How it works: This study will take a total of 5 weeks to complete with a 10-day rest in between. Once you qualify for this study, you’ll receive testing material with instructions, as well as a daily diary to document your experience. You’ll return after your 10-day rest for a 3-day or 4-day challenge, which will entail applying the patches again. In order to participate, you must be off all back patches for 21 days at the start of this study.

Who can participate: This study is for males and females, ages 18 years to 79 years old.

Date: July 8th through July 22nd
July 23rd through August 4th – Rest period – No visits and no patches.
Return for Challenge Days: August 5th through August 8th

Payment: $175

How to sign up: To sign up for this study and make your appointment, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363 and press 6 or 8.

Phototoxicity – Sunscreen Study

How it works: For this study, you’ll make a visit to the testing facilities first to make sure you qualify. Once you qualify, you’ll receive instructions, as well as a daily diary to document your experience. You’ll need to return for 3 more visits to do a quick evaluation of your back. Please keep in mind, in order to participate in this study, you cannot be participating in any other back study. Please be sure you are are not tanned or sunburn before beginning this study. If you become tan or sunburn during the study, your study will have to be canceled, unfortunately.
If you are a female, you (or your partner) must have been on contraception for the 3 months prior to the study and must agree to continue using contraception for 3 months after the study. (Abstinence is acceptable.) If you are a potential phototox and photoallergy participant, you must go into the testing facilities prior to reservation for qualification via ITA° measurement.

Date: June 25th, any time between 8AM and 7PM, by appointment only.
June 28th, any time between 8AM and 7PM, by appointment only.

Who can participate: This study is for males and females, ages 18 years to 65 years old.

Payment: $60

How to sign up: To sign up for this study, please call the CPT team at 973-808-7363 and press 8, 5, or 7.

Future Pediatric Diaper Study and Future Wrinkle Studies coming this July, as well. Be sure to check back for more info!

Check out testimonials from other participants here.

Ready to sign up for a study at CPT?  Click here to get started.

Don’t see a study that interests you right now? Register to become a panelist and you will be notified when a study fits your credentials by stopping by CPT to fill out what is called a Health Profile. This information will be entered into the system so that you are ready to start testing when you see a study you are interested in.

CPT is a global leader in the testing of personal care, pharmaceutical, and therapeutic products. From 1975, the company has put integrity first and foremost when testing products and creating clinical trials. The laboratory is located in Fairfield, New Jersey.

To learn more about CPT and how you can participate, visit their website and Facebook page.

This post is sponsored by Consumer Product Testing, a company dedicated to providing safe and ethical studies for you and your family.

Consumer Product Testing Company
70 New Dutch Lane
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
Phone: (973) 359-5879