Top #NJMOM Adventures of the Week


The Garden State has been going from rain to sunshine to snow and back again, but that did not stop our NJMOMs from smiling through it all. Despite the bipolar temps, we loved spotting NJMOMs singing in the rain, trying out a new cookbook, and enjoying a day at the spa – you’re killing it in the adventure game this week!

Be sure to tag your photos with #NJMOM and @njmom for the chance to be featured next week.

A little rain never hurt nobody☔

If hugs were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard?‍♂️

 Cold hands, warm hearts?

Kids bring new meaning to “Friday night lit”??

*Envies child in stroller as I do wall sits*??

It’s always an adventure when your kid is in the kitchen… clean up not included ?‍?

One’s trash, another’s treasure

Honey, I shrunk your spa robes?‍♀️

What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold!❄

She’ll be running the family business in no time!?‍??‍??‍?

Where will your #NJMOM adventures take you next week? Be sure to tag your photos with #NJMOM for the chance to be featured next week.

About Author

Kristen loves living in northern New Jersey and getting to see the NYC skyline everyday. One of her favorite New Jersey staples is Surf Taco, which she enjoys when she goes down the shore. If you can't find her on the beach, you can most likely find her in a bowling alley (especially Lodi Lanes), or writing.