Got Questions About Balancing Work and Teaching Kids? Tune into #NJMOM LIVE On Facebook This Tuesday At 8PM


Whether your kids are doing all virtual school or a hybrid, finding the balance between your own WFH life and running a pseudo-classroom can be overwhelming. And if you’re an actual teacher, it’s even more challenging since you’re juggling your teaching schedule on top of your kid’s learning schedule. That’s why we’ll be checking in again with Jessica Lisboa, a mother, teacher, and founder of the website, This Season’s Gold, to gain insight into her experience of teaching her son and teaching her students, and all the ways that she’s been managing both schedules. We’ll also share her tips on how to handle the school year no matter what your situation. So head over to our Facebook page on Tuesday at 8 PM and click on the videos tab on the left-hand side to watch. Send a quick hello in the comments, tell us how you’re doing, or ask us a question— we’d love to hear from you. In the meantime, answer our quick one-question poll, and your thoughts might be featured on NJMOM and News12 this week.

nj mom #njmom is here fb live jessica lisboa thisseasonsgold

Jessica Lisboa, of This Season’s Gold, mother, theater educator, actor, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker.

About Jessica

Jessica Lisboa is a proud #NJMOM to the sweetest little boy and a little girl in heaven and a high school theatre teacher. Along with teaching, acting, motivational speaking, and being a mom, Jessica has created a website, This Season’s Gold, where she shares little bits of her life from style to beauty, motherhood to travel, and more. When schools shut down, not only did Jessica have to adapt her classrooms and students to distant learning quickly, but she also had to juggle helping her son adjust to his new online class setting. This fall, her son is virtual, and she’s continuing to make it work while balancing her own class schedule.

How to watch

So, go ahead and pour yourself a glass of wine or a cup of tea, get comfy and meet us over on our Facebook page at 8PM this Tuesday, September 22, by clicking the videos tab on the left-hand side of our page. And be sure to answer our quick poll (it’s just one question— you might be featured on NJMOM and News12 this week). To learn more about Jessica and This Season’s Gold, check out her website and Instagram.