Earn Up to $300 Trying New Products [UPDATED STUDIES WITH NEW ONES FOR KIDS}


New year, new you, and that means trying out new self-care stuff. So here’s a great way to start 2021—at Consumer Product Testing Labs, you can test new products, give your feedback on how they work, and get paid, with some studies paying up to $300 (yes, you read that right). Here’s the deal: You sign up for a study, visit the CPT laboratory to qualify and pick up the product, try it at home, and then revisit CPT to report back—it’s that easy. With new studies continually being added to the line-up (including ones for diaper-wearing babies and toddlers), you can get first dibs on makeup bag heroes like eyeliner or everyday products like moisturizer and baby diaper cream. Read on to find out how you can test out the latest products and learn more about CPT, as well as how they’re taking actions to keep their panelists and staff safe with state-mandated operating guidelines.

Here are CPT’s newest must-know trials

With studies available for women, men and kids, CPT makes it simple to sign up. Click on the links for more in-depth details about each study, and keep in mind the initial visit determines if you qualify. Also good to note: The studies change frequently, and they are always posting new ones, so be sure to like CPT’s Facebook page for daily updates and recent studies. When you’re ready to commit, check in with them to determine if the study you want is still available. You can also give them a call to make an appointment for getting qualified to become a panelist and be notified of the latest studies since they’re always taking new people to sign up and test products. And CPT has implemented multiple precautionary and safety procedures: These include wearing a face mask, limiting the number of panelists onsite at a time, arriving 15 minutes early to your scheduled appointment, a temperature pre-check, 6-feet spacing throughout the building, and more (see below), so you can feel confident that you will be safe while visiting. FYI—Sunscreen products are tested in their photobiology laboratory, and all take-home studies pay between $30 and up depending on the number of visits and how long the study lasts.

CC Cream is for females and males ages 18 to 45 on January 22 and February 19. Payment is $55.

Retinoic Eye Cream is for female contact lens wearers (a few spots left for non-contact wearers) ages 30 to 65 on January 27 and February 10. Payment is $45.

Pediatric Cream to Powder is for boys and girls ages 6 months to 4 years on January 29 and February 11. A board-certified pediatrician will exam the diaper area for each visit. Payment is $55.

Pediatric Study Baby Wipes is for boys and girls ages 3 months to 3 years in two groups. Group 1 is for February 5 and March 5, and Group 2 is for February 10 and March 10. Payment is $80.

Pimple Patch is for females and males ages 14 to 55 on January 26,27,29, and February 2. Payment is $130.

Eyeliner is for females ages 18 to 65 on January 21 and February 4. Payment is $45.

Micro-Needling Topical Test Material is for males and females ages 18 to 70  January 28 through March 26. Payment is $200.

Photoallergy Study is for males and females ages 18-65 starting on February 1 and continuing weekly, with one rest week, before ending March 12. Payment is $300.

Nasal Spray Study is for males and females ages 18 to 69 with sensitive skin on February 3 and  March 3. Payment is $60.

RIPT Patch Back Study is for males and females ages 18-79 starting on February 1 through 24, returning March 9, 10, and 12. Payment is $200.

RIPT Patch Back Study is for males and females ages 18-79 starting on February 3 through 26, returning March 9, 10, and 12. Payment is $200.

Future Studies To Come

Hair and scalp treatments with a dry, irritated scalp for females.

Scalp Serum with hair textures fine to coarse, curls, straight to corkscrews.

Eye Makeup studies for females who wear contact lenses ages 18-65

Face Studies for females with Fitzpatrick Skin Type – V, VI ages 18-65

Get started today

Before you sign up, read what other mamas are saying about their experiences with reviewing and earning some extra money, too. When you’re ready, click here to determine what you need to do to become a panelist. If you do not see anything that piques your interest now, you can still register to become a panelist. Stop by CPT to fill out a health profile, and they’ll notify you when a study fits your credentials.

CPT is a global leader in the testing of personal care, pharmaceutical, and therapeutic products. Since 1975, the company has put integrity first and foremost when testing products and creating clinical trials.

This post is sponsored by Consumer Product Testing, a company dedicated to providing safe and ethical studies for you and your family.

Consumer Product Testing Company
70 New Dutch Lane
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
Phone: (973) 359-5879

CPT Safety Measures Statement:

The health of our panelists and staff is our primary concern. Panelists will be contacted to schedule appointments for all studies, including patch tests. You will only be admitted into the facility if you have a scheduled appointment.

Consumer Product Testing℠ Company, Inc. (CPT℠) has implemented a Biosafety and Security Policy, with the core objective of establishing sustainable, safe operations for our employees and panelists due to the COVID‐19 pandemic. We based our policy upon analyzing best practices and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), National Safety Council (NSC), and local and state guidance in New Jersey.

When you arrive at our facility, the new precautionary and safety procedures outlined below will help keep you and our staff safe during these challenging times.
• CPT℠ will be limiting the number of panelists in our facility at any one time.

• While onsite, you will need to adhere to social distancing protocols. You will be asked to remain 6 feet apart from one another when in any waiting area. Each area will have spacing markers on the floor.

• We ask that you patiently wait your turn and allow more time for your visit due to the social distancing regulations.

• Our security officers will be helping facilitate social distancing and compliance with all safety procedures.

• Before your visit, you will be asked several questions concerning your general health, and you will be required to confirm those answers when you visit the facility. Any panelist exhibiting signs of COVID‐19 will not be scheduled for a clinical trial and will be turned away from our facility should they appear.

• Panelists will be required to keep your appointment schedules.

• Panelists will be required to arrive at the facility 15 minutes before their scheduled time. Personal items other than identification required for participation will not be allowed in the facility. You may be asked to wait in your car until you are called into the building. Please dress appropriately.

• Panelists will not be allowed to have anyone accompany them into the facility for their appointment. No children or additional family members.

• Panelists will be required to wear masks that meet minimum standards for their protection and our staff’s safety in accordance with the NJ State Mandate and the CPT℠ Biosafety and Security Policy. If the security officers deem that a mask does not meet the minimum standards, you will not be allowed in the building. You must keep the mask on at all times when onsite and in the facility.

• Panelists scheduled for a trial will have their temperature taken for a pass/fail, and any panelist who fails will not be admitted to the facility.

• Panelists who are admitted into the facility will sanitize their hands before entering the laboratory and again on leaving the facility.

• Panelists shall refrain from touching hard surfaces, such as doorknobs, counters, and benches.

• Panelists shall refrain from using the CPT℠ restrooms. Please plan ahead.

• Panelists will follow all traffic flow patterns established in the building, following the visual cues and all directions from staff for physical distancing.

• Panelists shall be provided trial documents that need to be read and signed in a container that will be sanitized after each use. Their daily schedule, instructions, and additional study paperwork will be provided in this sealed plastic zip‐lock bag. Each time panelists arrive for their clinical trial, they will return with their trial documents in that sealed plastic zip‐lock bag.

• Panelists shall not loiter in the building but will sanitize their hands on exiting the building immediately upon completion of their trial visit.

We want to make all of our panelists feel comfortable when participating in studies at our facility. We will be doing our best to make this a positive experience for all of our panelists. We welcome you to visit our website to see the summary of our policy for participating in a clinical trial, as well as available new studies.