Coffee With Hoboken Docs (Starting May 2nd)


Starting May 2nd at The Institute for Women’s Health in Hoboken (on the first floor of Hoboken University Medical Center) from 6-8pm, you can sit down with an intimate group of other local women and ask your burning questions to a guest female physician about topics ranging from GI issues to pelvic health, fertility and every in between. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other women in the community, talk openly about your health concerns and address questions outside of your doctor’s office.

The first event will cover one of our favorite Spring topics of concern: FOOT CARE 

Apart from the occasional pedi, women tend to use and abuse our feet. From squishing them into tiny heels to running around barefoot with no support, lots of small issues can pop up that can leave you feeling self conscious. From a bunion and plantar fasciitis, or even a foot injury from slipping while trying to reach for your crazy toddler, it’s no surprise women undergo the majority of common-problem foot surgeries, and all by age of 40 no less. This intimate discussion will help you prepare for, and get answers to these questions before they become an issue.

Ongoing sessions of coffee with the doctors at The Institute for Women’s Health will explore relevant topics that are simply easier to ask, and perhaps even offer broader insight, when you’re in a relaxed and intimate environment with other women. Added bonus: it’s always fun making new friends and meeting other women in the community who are experiencing the same things you’re going through.

For more information and to register, head to Carepoint Health’s Facebook page.