Are Your Littles Having Sleep Troubles? Chat Live With #NJMOM This Tuesday At 8:30PM


The struggle is so real —kids’ sleep schedules have always been a challenge, but add in the pandemic and it’s become a super-sized hurdle that’s keeping you and your babes up for nights on end. To help with those sleep issues, big and small, we’re chatting with Certified Sleep Consultant Jennifer Gilman, of Good Night Sleep Site for our weekly check-in and chat series on Instagram LIVE. Jennifer is an expert in sleep training and has worked with hundreds of NJ families to offer guidance and real solutions for getting their kids to sleep soundly and on a schedule. She’ll be sharing all her best advice for making a good night’s sleep a reality (even during this uncertain time when routines keep changing), so head over to our Instagram page on Tuesday at 8:30 PM and click the live button on our logo. Send a quick hello in the comments, tell us how you’re doing, or ask us a question—we’d love to hear from you.

Jennifer Gilman of Good Night Sleep Site.

About Jennifer

Jennifer knows a lot about getting kids on a sleep schedule—she’s a mom to two girls and is a Certified Sleep Consultant at Good Night Sleep Site in New Jersey. As an accomplished early childhood and elementary school teacher with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College’s Lynch School of Education, she has extensive experience working with children of all ages. Jennifer is passionate about helping children learn and grow in the best ways they can. After becoming a mother and seeing first-hand how difficult parenting is, she realized how important it is to support mothers (and fathers) through empathy, compassion, strategies, and skills to become the best parents they can be. We’ll be sitting down with Jennifer to discuss tips and tricks for staying positive, getting your child to become a great sleeper, and how families can find virtual support during this uncertain time.

How to watch

So, go ahead and pour yourself a glass of wine or a cup of tea, get comfy and meet us over on our Instagram page at 8:30 PM this Tuesday, July 7, by clicking the live button on our logo. And in the meantime, be sure to check out Good Night Sleep Site here and check out Jennifer on Insta to learn more about her and Good Night Sleep Site.