Supplementing with Superfoods Shopping List


Using foods we already have in the fridge to create healthy meals saves us money and gives us moms a chance to get creative. Keeping your fridge stocked with healthy food options is an easy way to mix and match meals. In our fridge, we pretty much keep everything on the “superfoods” list and make different dishes out of what we have.

Aside from meal prepping every 3 days, my husband and I have discovered that having “ready-to-eat healthy snacks” in our fridge stops us from eating junk food. To make meal prep simple, I create a shopping list that I reuse each week. Grocery shopping takes about 30 minutes tops.

Natural foods we always keep on hand for my family:

  • Eggs, chicken, peanut butter, Greek yogurt and almond milk for protein and calcium
  • Avocado, tomatoes, and blueberries because it prevents cancer and other diseases
  • Celery, cucumbers, these 2 are great fresh, hydrating veggie snacks that will also be a great add on with any meal
  • Apples, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and prevents a plethora of diseases
  • Carrots; a great addition to a snack or cooked meal, and great for maintaining healthy vision
  • Lemon, lime, and oranges for vitamin C to boost our immune systems
  • Ginger root, used for health benefits; to reduce inflammation, and prevent gastro issues. Delicious herb for cooking and to brew in tea
  • Turmeric, used for many health benefits; we add it in our tea and use it as an herb for cooking
  • Red, white, or green onions for health and cooking benefits
  • Cilanto, because it is so good to have, another herb that’s pretty universal
  • Kale, romaine or collards because chlorophyll is potent in antioxidants to prevent diseases and naturally cleanses toxins out of our bodies. Also is convenient for healthy wraps and salads.

By the end of the week, we go grocery shopping as a family to restock these items only. If you have about 80% of this list, you will be able to create so many different healthy meals.