Kids, Teens And Adults Can Try New Products And Earn Extra Cash This May


Memorial Day is almost here, so why not get a new beauty routine and make some extra cash before summer starts? With Consumer Product Testing Labs (CPT) you can try new products and earn money for participating in a trial. It’s simple to do, too—sign up, visit the CPT laboratory to qualify, try the product at home, and revisit CPT to report back (your feedback helps shape the final product). The best part is that you and your family can test stuff you can really use, like skin serum and makeup, and family products, like baby wipes and deodorant. With studies updated weekly, there are plenty of chances to sign up now (dates for recent trials are below) and be on the list for future ones. Read on to learn more about current CPT studies, and check back here for updates. (Featured Image Photo: istock/LightFieldStudios)

Here are CPT’s newest must-know trials

With studies available for women, men, and kids, CPT is easy to sign up for and do. Click on the links for more in-depth details about each study, and remember that the initial visit determines if you qualify. Also, it is good to note that the studies change, and they add new ones frequently, so be sure to like CPT’s Facebook page for daily updates. When you’re ready to commit, check in with them to determine if the study you want is still available. You can also call to make an appointment to get qualified to become a panelist and be notified of the latest studies. FYI—Sunscreen products are tested in their photobiology laboratory, and all take-home studies pay $30 and up, depending on the number of visits and how long the study lasts.


RIPT Patch Back Study #1 is for males and females ages 18-79. Visits are in Fairfield from May 8 to May 31, the rest period from June 1 to 9, and challenge dates are June 10, 11, and 13. Payment is $200 + $25 gas stipend. Refer a friend for their first RIPT study and receive a $40 finder’s fee.

Lip Butter Study for males and females ages 18-60. Visits are in Fairfield from May 8-20 (the return date will be 4 weeks from your start date). Payment is $75.

Face Mask Study for females ages 18-45. Visits are in Fairfield on May 9, 17, and May 31. Payment is $100.

RIPT Patch Back Study #2 is for males and females ages 18-60. Visits are in Fairfield from May 13 to June 5, the rest period from June 6 to 16, and challenge dates are June 17, 18, and 20. Payment is $200 + $25 gas stipend. Refer a friend for their first RIPT study and receive a $40 finder’s fee.

Face Cream Study for males and females ages 18-45. Visits are in Fairfield on May 14 and 28. Payment is $100.

RIPT Patch Back Study #3 for males and females ages 18-79. Visits are in Fairfield from May 15 to June 7, the rest from June 8 to 16, and challenge dates are June 17, 18, and 20. Payment is $200 + $25 gas stipend. Refer a friend for their first RIPT study and receive a $40 finder’s fee.


Face Moisturizer Study for males and females ages 8-18. Visits are in Fairfield on May 9 and June 6. A parent or legal guardian must accompany minors at both visits. Payment is $75.

Gel Cleanser Study for males and females ages 8-18. Visits are in Fairfield on May 16 and June 13. Payment is $75.

Face Serum Study for males and females ages 8-18. Visits are in Fairfield on May 21 and June 18. Payment is $75.

Face Lotion Study for males and females ages 8-18. Visits are in Fairfield on May 28 and June 25. Payment is $75.

Face SPF 40 Study for males and females ages 8-18. Visits are in Fairfield on Fairfield on May 30 and June 27. Payment is $75.

Hydrating Face Serum Study for males and females ages 8-18. Visits are in Fairfield on June 3 and July 1. Payment is $75.

Future Studies To Come—Call 973-965-8195 and press 5 to get on the list

Get started today

Before you sign up, read what other mamas say about their experiences with reviewing and earning some extra money. Click here to determine what you need to do to become a panelist when you’re ready. If nothing piques your interest, you can still register to become a panelist. Stop by CPT to fill out a health profile, and they’ll notify you when a study fits your credentials.

CPT is a global leader in testing personal care, pharmaceutical, and therapeutic products. Since 1975, the company has prioritized integrity when testing products and creating clinical trials.

This post is sponsored by Consumer Product Testing, a company dedicated to providing safe and ethical studies for you and your family.

Consumer Product Testing Company
70 New Dutch Lane
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
Phone: (973) 359-5879

CPT Safety Measures Statement:

The health of our panelists and staff is our primary concern. Panelists will be contacted to schedule appointments for all studies, including patch tests. You will only be admitted into the facility if you have a scheduled appointment.

Consumer Product Testing℠ Company, Inc. (CPT℠) has implemented a Biosafety and Security Policy. We based our policy on analyzing best practices and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), National Safety Council (NSC), and local and state guidance in New Jersey.

This post is sponsored by Consumer Product Testing Labs.

About Author

Melanie Bodner has always had a love for writing, but now she has a new love…being a mom. Before having her kids, Melanie was no stranger to writing or working with children. She wrote for a local newspaper as a reporter and taught English and Dance in a public school. Now Melanie enjoys spending time with her kids, doing yoga, writing and decorating her home. Check out her Instagram @burlapbythebeach.