Marnie Nathanson, The Social Status Co. {Our NJMOMpreneur of the Week}


When her MTV dream job didn’t fit into the dreams she had for her family life, Marnie Nathanson, our NJMOMpreneur of the Week, found herself looking at her next career move. It was towards the beginning of the now booming social media business, and this avowed hustler had a feeling that the growing field would lead her to a new dream job—CEO. From a beach in Bermuda, she launched The Social Status Co., which in five years has become a full-service digital agency, offering clients social strategy, public relations, event planning, influencer marketing, and more. We sat down with the Scotch Plains mama to get the scoop on how she’s rolling with the major industry shifts over the past few months, the best advice her dad ever gave her, and her favorite local spots and shops that she’s looking forward to finally visiting again.
Featured image via Lauren Anzevino

Marnie Nathanson, our NJMOMprenuer of the week, visiting Facebook HQ

You just celebrated your fifth anniversary, congrats! Take us back to the beginning and tell us how your background led you to launch your agency.

It really is so crazy to think that The Social Status Co. is 5 years old. In my “past life,” I was a development executive at MTV which was my dream job. When my daughter was a year old, I realized that the work and life balance started taking its toll on me. My boss did everything in his power to make things flexible, but sadly, I felt that coming home at 2 AM after a night shoot, and then leaving again at 7 AM the following morning was something a mom to a new baby shouldn’t be doing often. I left with a heavy heart and pivoted to help launch two startups on their PR and social strategies. Soon enough, I saw the power of social media and knew this was the next chapter to go off on my own.  I thought: “Why not? I am a hustler; I will figure it all out.” So, on the beaches of Bermuda, The Social Status Co. was born. It felt so right like all the puzzle pieces came together and worked. I had my first client within a week, and the second client the following week—they are still clients today.

One of the main facets of PR is adjusting to current events to pivot business messaging and goals. Tell us how you’re helping your clients with this right now. 

The best part of crisis management is that things are so calm during decision making—most people assume when a company is dealing with an emergency everyone is screaming and freaking out. The reality is it’s a bunch of level-headed and patient people who are looking at the issue from all sides and all possible outcomes. For our clients, we’ve stripped their social media campaigns and PR plans and challenged them to think about long term goals, internal messaging, corporate responsibility, and how they want to be represented online. Many of our clients have integrated virtual experiences for the first time as well. I am happy to say that our clients have leaned into making changes within their companies and have handled all issues with grace. It’s been such a learning experience for me and our team.

Family front porch session via Lauren Anzevino

What is the hardest part about being an NJMOMpreneur? What do you love most about being one?
I used to feel like I couldn’t be a mom and an entrepreneur in the same moment, but after finding supportive boss babe friends who rally behind one another, I don’t think that way anymore. What helps is that I have an incredible team that understands and respects when work or family needs to be the priority. Besides my team, I love being in a vibrant downtown that offers the chance for great small businesses to prosper and even better backdrops for photos.


What do you think your children have learned through seeing what you put into your business and work?
My kids have seen me on a computer or phone for the better half of these last five years. My daughter loves to call herself a boss babe and jumps at the opportunity to assist me at the office. On her own accord, she even launched a bookmark business, “Please Hold.” My dad taught me a great lesson growing up, and I pass this along to my children all time—everyone you meet is a key, so collect as many as you can and grow the biggest key ring because you never know when one of those keys can open a door.

Meeting with the team at Delice Macarons, via Lauren Anzevino

Share some of your favorite local businesses, why you love them, and how you’ve been supporting them through the pandemic.
We have proudly been supporting local businesses during this time—I think we’ve ordered blackened salmon from Casa Di Pizza in Westfield once a week for the past 12 weeks. I also love that Creative Kids in Scotch Plains offered to-go kits so that my kids were active creatively during our quarantine. Some other local favorites we always support and will be heading to now that they are open: Yummy in Garwood because a cone filled with my favorite things mixed together tastes like summer; Salad House in Westfield, because my custom salad is my favorite lunch; Salon Four in Scotch Plains, because CeCe knows what to do with my hair even when I don’t; Juice House in Garwood because the owner Arielle is a serious boss babe and she also makes the best acai bowl; Posh Express Lube and Car Wash in Plainfield because they are efficient and always so nice, and On The Side Day Spa because their Express Facial is the perfect escape without breaking the bank.

What do you wish someone told you when you first became a mompreneur?
Be kind to everyone, especially yourself, and do favors without expecting anything in return. You should believe in everything you say, write, and do, and embrace failure by learning and growing from it.  

For more about Marnie and The Social Status Co., check out their website or their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn pages.