Break the Silence Open Mic Night (April 19, 2018 at 5:00pm)


At NJMOM, we strive to empower one another and provide support in more ways than one. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we want to do our part in raising awareness and educating each other about how to prevent sexual violence. In the wake of the #MeToo era and shockingly high statistics of sexual violence (1 in 3 women), we encourage you to head out to Jersey City and Break the Silence at the open mic event by Hudson SPEAKS. Whether you feel compelled to share your story, or you’re there to listen, your support helps to keep this conversation going strong.

Break the Silence with Hudson SPEAKS on April 19 from 5:00PM-9:00PM at Brightside Tavern in Jersey City!

Hudson SPEAKS (Supports, Prevents, Educates, Advocates, to Keep Strong) Against Sexual Violence is hosting this “Survivor” themed event of self-expression to honor survivors of sexual violence. Through performance art, spoken word, paintings, poetry, music, and more, survivors will have a safe space to speak out and share their stories. Admission is free, but a 2-item donation is encouraged.
The deadline for artistic works or a spot in front of the mic is April 13, 2018. Contact or call 201-795-8741 to sign up.
Brightside Tavern, 141 Bright St., Jersey City, NJ