Best Daddy Boot Camps in NJ {+ How to Enlist}


Confession: we’re obsessed with Daddy Boot Camps in New Jersey. Dads-to-be and new fathers alike are invited to “enlist” in training programs that quite simply, talk about how to be a dad. By getting together with other men in the same boat, experiencing demonstrations, and partaking in open discussions and Q&A’s, this non-clinical approach to parent education is the most effective way to avoid the scary alternative of frantically Googling last-minute questions like, “How do you hold a baby?” and “How many times a day is my baby supposed to poop?” From swaddling and managing sleep to car seat safety and supporting mom, hospitals and clinics in New Jersey have done a lot of work to mainstream Daddy Boot Camps to be fun, informative safe-spaces. Most importantly, your partner will leave with a boost of confidence in his natural ability to take care of your brand new little one.

Where to Enlist in Daddy Boot Camp in NJ

1. Daddy Boot Camp in Hamilton
{Princeton HealthCare System}

How to calm a crying baby, car seat safety, and sleep management techniques are just some of the topics to expect in this 3.5 hour crash course in all things parenting. Lead by a certified male Daddy Boot Camp instructor, this men-only class creates an environment where new and expecting dads can open up to one another about their questions and concerns. Demonstrations include how to hold, comfort, diaper, and even play with your new baby, and topics of discussion cover everything an expecting parent would benefit from talking about, such as preparing for baby’s arrival at home to the importance of parental teamwork. For a reasonable cost of $40 per person, this uplifting course allows men to share their joy of becoming new fathers while learning about parenting outside of the clinical setting.

2. Daddy Training Camp in Hoboken
{CarePoint Health Hoboken University Medical Center}

This free program for dads offered by CarePoint Health in Hudson County is one of the most coveted new-daddy programs in the region. One weeknight session per month is available to all expecting and new fathers with the goal to alleviate any stress or concerns that expecting dads might be experiencing. Through group discussions, demonstrations, and hands-on training, not only are participants able to learn from the certified professionals who lead the class, but also from one another. Understand the importance of bonding with your new baby, balancing career and fatherhood, and the new role you play in your family. Participating in Daddy Training Camp means talking about topics that new parents don’t traditionally have the opportunity to explore in a group setting, such as relationship maintenance and supporting mom. Communication is key in this program for new daddies, and for that reason, we consider Daddy Training Camp to be a total parenting win.

3. New Daddy Class in New Brunswick
{Saint Peter’s University Hospital}

Expecting dads looking to learn more about effective ways to be involved in your little one’s budding new life are welcome to attend this two-hour evening program at Saint Peter’s University Hospital. Held once every two months by a hospital healthcare provider, this program is anything but clinical. A father of two little ones himself, the class encourages curiosity and is seen by many attendants as an opportunity to ask questions to a fellow father, man-to-man, and receive the unfiltered truth based on experience. Students will leave with education in areas that new parents often feel wary about when the new baby is born: keeping baby safe and healthy, and how to care for a sick baby. Men who complete New Daddy Class at this esteemed medical center can feel better knowing that they better understand the impact their involvement will have on their new baby.

4. Daddy Knows Best in Long Branch
{Monmouth Medical Center}

One three-hour Sunday morning session with seasoned veteran dads is a serious game-changer for expecting parents who are looking up their confidence. Instructed by a registered nurse, who himself is a father to three young children, Daddy Knows Best delves into the nitty gritty how-to’s of caring for a newborn: diapering your baby, bathing techniques, down to the most detailed topics, such as fitting your child’s tiny baby arms into their onesie. Possibly the most valuable aspect of this session is the time devoted to mingling with veteran fathers and their children. Experiencing how these experienced dads handle and interact with their children, while receiving hands-on instruction from like-minded fathers looking to help, is a resource that we wish we would love to see in more locations throughout New Jersey.

Did your partner attend a Daddy Boot Camp? Leave a comment below to tell us about his experience.