Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, NJ


Our Visit To IMAX & The Exhibits at Liberty Science Center

Winter break was jammed packed with fun for us. Unfortunately, half-day kindergarten and afternoon pre-school leaves very little time for the impromptu play-dates my children and I used to be accustomed to. I’ve been trying to fit in a trip to the Liberty Science Center (LSC) in Jersey City for months, and when I saw that The Polar Express in IMAX was on it’s last run at LSC, I knew we had to make the time to go.

liberty science center

One of our favorite exhibits was “Beyond Rubik’s Cube”. My children actually had no idea what a Rubik’s cube was or that they were standing in the WORLD’S first Rubik’s Cube exhibition, but they thought it was the coolest thing ever! Throughout the holidays I had seen many people recommending magformers, but I had no idea what they were. I should have listened though, because we spent a good 45 minutes playing with these educational, but creative magnets.liberty science center

From afar, we admired the incredible new Infinity Climber. Since the height restriction is 42″+, my son didn’t want to climb on his own. The 19-foot-tall, suspended play space is 35 feet in the air and has children and adults feeling the thrills of this modern play structure.
liberty science center

While we were enjoying a snack waiting for the Polar Express to start, we checked out a really cool rocket presentation called “Blast Off!” My children were excited to learn about the history of rockets and even had some fun launching different types. The presentation was perfect for my children who love to build and send off model rockets.

If you have yet to see a movie in IMAX at LSC, I highly recommend the experience! Checking off seeing The Polar Express on my Holiday Bucket List was priceless.

All in all, we spent about 4 hours at the Liberty Science Center with the exhibits and IMAX movie. As my children grow older, I think they will appreciate many more of the exhibits and what the center has to offer to them.

You can visit the Liberty Science Center right outside of Liberty State Park at 222 Jersey City Blvd., Jersey City, NJ.

Have you been? What’s your favorite part of Liberty Science Center?