NJMOM Business Directory & Deals Guide

Let parents find your business on NJMOM.com

  • Place your business on the NJMOM map
  • Select your business category
  • Create special offers for NJMOM readers
  • Parents can leave reviews to help you promote your business

Reasons to list your business on NJMOM.com

  • 85,000+ parents in New Jersey use NJMOM.com to find businesses they love
  • NJMOM’s are searching for kid-friendly businesses like yours in our online directory
  • 90% of users visit NJMOM.com because they intend to make a purchase
  • Managing your online reputation is important for your business whether the reviews are positive, neutral or negative. Engaging with your customers is crucial for word of mouth marketing.
  • Small Business Owners can earn $10k+ a year from their NJMOM business directory listing

Upon visiting NJMOM.com, users are prompted to search for a ‘type’ of activity and/ or a location. User can enter one or all fields to find the best kid-friendly businesses around New Jersey.

Each business has their own business listing page with contact information, photos, website and social media URL’s, opportunity to collect reviews, a ‘favorite’ button (where users can save your business in their favorites), and the opportunity to leave an exclusive deal for NJMOM readers.

Contact info & pricing

Contact Suzi at suzi@njmom.com to feature your business in NJMOM’s business directory.
