Sarah Williams, Founder of Moms of Business {Our NJMOMpreneur of the Week}


You know how it is when you’re scrolling through Facebook groups, and finally land on the one that just gets you, not judges you, and instantly makes you feel like you’re welcomed, accepted and inspired? Our NJMOMprenuer of the week, Sarah Williams, knows that feeling well: When she was seeking out support, advice and encouragement to start her own jewelry design business, she couldn’t find that group, so she created one herself. Now, that group—Moms of Business Networkhas over 2000 followers on Facebook and hosts networking events where mompreneurs can connect and collaborate together, online and in-person. We had the chance to chat with Sarah—who’s so bubbly and positive that you feel like you can literally achieve anything upon speaking with her—and she spilled the daily thing she she does in the wee morning hours, why not being Facebook perfect is really OK and the Southern NJ spot where her kids play soccer indoors. 

Founder of Moms of Business Network & NJMOMpreneur Sarah Williams

Moms of Business Founder, Sarah Williams

NJMOM: Where do you live, and where is your business located?
Sarah: I was born and raised a Jersey girl, and I currently live in Hazlet with my husband and two kids, Gwendolyn and Bradley. My office is also my home, since it’s located in my house. I’m Facebook-based, so my community is all about my Facebook group. We have a free group, with a VIP-paid membership available. 

NJMOM: What is Moms of Business, and what does it offer mom entrepreneurs like yourself? 
Sarah: Moms of Business is a network of mom and step-mom entrepreneurs who connect and collaborate online and in-person. We have a large following on Facebook, and our paid group on Facebook has grown to over 160 members and about 2,000 followers. As the founder of the network, I’m always looking for ways that my Mobsters (aka her Moms of Business members ) can have fun, help each other and make more money. Moms can join if they want to check it out or be a part of our events. Or, if they’re looking to learn and level up on business strategies, we also offer online training through the Zoom video conference platform, and people join to be a part of that community. 

When you’re in the middle of your journey and the wind is in your hair and you hit a speed bump, it’s nice to feel like someone is there with you in that moment.” — Sarah Williams, Founder of Moms of Business

NJMOM: In addition to the MOB Network, you’re also the founder and owner of Sarah’s Strategies on the side—what’s that about?
Sarah: I’m your go-to girl on all things Facebook, so I like to call myself a Facebook concierge. With Sarah’s Strategies, I’m there to help guide you on what to post, when to post it and I help my clients with sales and confidence building strategies. I want to be there for my Sarah’s Strategies clients every step of the way, from helping them make new friends to helping them land new clients.

Sarah and her family kidding around at their favorite New Jersey vacation spot, Congress Hall in Cape May.

NJMOM: How do you juggle running TWO businesses and being a mom and wife?
Sarah: Sometimes you just have to laugh, because it’s a little bit of a juggling act. The number one thing I do that helps me, is that I wake up early before anyone else in my house. This gives me time to myself, so I make a to-do list and write down what I’m grateful for. I pick three things that are the most important for me to tackle—so at least I know those are done—and this method keeps me sane. I’m also a huge advocate for scheduling date nights. We do it every week, even if it’s just something small like a movie night at home. 

NJMOM: What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
Sarah: I just think of my kids and I smile all the time. My daughter is learning to write sentences and read right now, so it’s a magical time to watch as she learns and very rewarding. I get to see all the things we’ve been working on with her come together and she’s so proud of herself—it’s truly amazing.

Sarah is also a brand ambassador for DPARZ Shoes. Photo via Miguel Vivas

NJMOM: What inspired you to start your own business? Was there a breaking point or specific moment that ignited that desire to start?
Sarah: When I was a new stay at home mom, I was exclusively breastfeeding, so it was a lot of brainstorming sessions at 2 A.M. about what I can do to make my own money on my own terms. My degree is in jewelry design, and I came up with my own jewelry line idea of melting gold into new jewelry. I was looking for ways to network it and launch it, but I didn’t love what I found. I didn’t find people being genuine or wanting to help. So, I created my own network, which has become my passion. My jewelry line is still waiting to be launched, but I discovered that running the Moms of Business Network is what actually brings me joy. I’m grateful that I was brave enough to ask for help, because it enabled me to discover something I’m good at. 

NJMOM: How do you inspire other mom entrepreneurs in and outside of your businesses? 
Sarah: I say this often to my group—your energy needs to be contagious in the best way possible. Just like I’m talking to you with a smile, I try to be the same way on social media, and the same way when I go to meet someone in person. I really like to remind myself that I don’t have to be perfect and that being a work in progress is more real. It’s important that I put myself out there, and when people meet me at a networking event, I’m always genuine and transparent in a way that feels true. I might share a realistic picture on social media, like a snap of my laundry piled high, because I want women to know that you’re not alone. I also remind women that the, “Oh my gosh, how am I supposed to get this done?!” feeling is okay—and that some days it does get done, and other days it doesn’t. What I am going to remember is that time I signed a new client or when my daughter learned to read and not the pile of laundry. 

The first anniversary celebrating Sarah’s MOBsters at the MOBiversary Gala. Photo via Ashley Brusca

NJMOM: What ‘s your most helpful advice for other fellow mom entrepreneurs who want to start their own business, or return to work?
Sarah: If you’re really looking to start your own business, think about how to make it happen and start planning. Think about your future business’s mission, vision and values. A lot of mom entrepreneurs are entering the world of multi-level marketing, which uses direct sales. It’s a great way to get started to earn a second source of income. I also suggest finding an accountability partner or business coach, or a Moms of Business bestie to help guide you. When you’re in the middle of your journey and the wind is in your hair and you hit a speed bump, it’s nice to feel like someone is there with you in that moment. 

NJMOM: Do you and your children have some favorite NJ places that are must-dos? 
Sarah: I have a few—our favorite park is Holmdel Park in Holmdel. They have the historic Longstreet Farm, the pond, walking trails and two playgrounds. Holmdel Park also has the cleanest public bathrooms, which is something on the top of a mom’s must-have list. Our favorite restaurant is called Flame 800 in Matawan. My kids love their pizza and I’m obsessed with their arugula salad. We also are huge fans of Bell Works in Holmdel, which is kind of like a “metro burb”—it’s a place you can basically live, eat and play all the time. The Holmdel Public Library is located in there and they have pop-up happy hours and a ton of places to eat. Everything is indoors, so we go there on rainy days—there’s even a turf there where kids can play soccer!

For more information about Moms of Business, follow along on their website, Facebook and Instagram