NJ Mompreneur: Ryah Dekis, Ryahhh Yoga


New Jersey is home to many ambitious and talented women who juggle family, career and home. A select few of these women are also extremely busy building their own companies to help better manage the whole work-life balance. At NJ Mom, we want to highlight these extraordinary women building NJ businesses and learn the secret to their success.

Certified Yoga Educator, Retailer and NJ Mompreneur: Ryah Dekis

Ryah Dekis is the NJ Mompreneur and owner of Ryahhh Yoga. NJ Mom had the wonderful opportunity to ask Ryah a few questions about her business and herself; here’s what she had to share.


NJ Mompreneur and Ryahhh owner, Ryah Dekis

NJMOM: What do you offer to your clients and how is it different than other professionals in your field?

Ryah: A soulful sanctuary- one built from personal experience, a loving connection with it’s roots in Esoteric wisdom. I live, breathe and dream yoga. I offer my students a genuine, loving connection, serving them from infancy, through childbearing years as well as the seasoned yogi. I thrive on providing intimate sessions that deliver important lessons – spiritually, physically and mindfully.


NJMOM: What inspired you to come up with the idea for your business?

Ryah: I have 3 businesses that are my heart and soul but feel they are all intertwined. I can still remember my first yoga class with my mom in the Berkshires. It was mesmerizing with its energy and grounding. I jumped fully into it felt familiar with my ballet upbringing. I’m a soulful creative yogi, I wake each morning with fresh ideas. I transform my visions to a viable means of providing care, through hands-on-yoga, lessons in spirituality and personal care products..

  • Ryahhh Yoga E-RYT 500, RPYT through the Yoga Alliance. I have had a loving relationship with yoga, meditation etc. for 20 years now. My studies include Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Chakra, Meditation and Prenatal and much more.

I took my yoga studies locally and abroad. I have taken so many classes and Yoga Trainings that were wonderful, inspiring, life changing ;along with ones that were just ok and others that were pretty awful.  I have created classes, workshops, special events and a community “space” that I feel are above and beyond the average. My intuition, education and experience play a huge part. Paying attention while being open minded as I feel out each student.  I can offer support, and compassion and self-realization.

  • Natural Mystic – Essential oils, “magic” and home made antidotes have been used in my home since an early teenager, if my mom liked it or not.

I believe in only using organic, raw and closest to nature products as much a possible. So I decided “why not make my own products?” So excited and inspired, I started sharing them my students who loved them and things started building from there. I make, create and offer products that are tried and true. I make my own everything!

  • Nectar & Nurture Ayurveda & Wellness- as an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, I provide personal tools, moves and rituals that support the whole being. Everyone wants to know more about themselves- finding tools and means to balance, find inner peace and understanding.

Ayurveda is a sacred science, soulful self care and elemental medicine that originated in northern India over 5,000 years ago. Primarily from one of the Vedic texts, the ancient books of wisdom and ceremony that contributed a great deal to the foundation of Indian culture and civilization.


NJMOM: What is your favorite part about your business?

 Ryah: Feeling, living and speaking from my heart and soul. My favorite part is being delighted and learning from my students.The joy I experience each day connecting with such sweet souls is a great reward.

Ryah in Hawaii

Ryah in Hawaii

NJMOM: What is your background in your business expertise?

Ryah: Not much.

Ryah and her husband

Ryah and her husband

NJMOM: Who is your role model?

Ryah: Any riotous woman who went against the grain and liberated herself for true love, justice and her kin.


NJMOM: What’s the best piece of advice your mom ever gave to you?

Ryah: “Nothing is permanent, change is guaranteed.”


NJMOM: Do you have a favorite quote you live by?


“You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself.”

Our world can be a haze of smoke and mirrors – empathy and compassion is sorely needed.

“Always check your motivation. Make sure that your first commitments are to deepen your wisdom and to serve others. Learn from great teachers, and cultivate your longing to grow. Honor your own gifts and don’t compare yourself to others. Above all, make yourself a vessel through which spirit, Goddess, higher power can move for the benefit of others.”

This is my mission statement!

Ryah and her daughter

Ryah and her daughter

NJMOM: What are your favorite things to do in NJ with your family?

Ryah: I love to be out in Nature with my family as much a possible 3 seasons of the year. We love to hike trails and walk the canal. Camp while enjoying simple pleasures and closeness. Making s’mores under the stars and sleeping in a tent ALL together. Lounging in the sunshine while watching the kids in the sand and surf. Sharing yummy (and healthy) snacks, swimming in the pool until wrinkly are all cherished times with the entire family.


NJMOM: What is the best part about being a mom for you?

Ryah: It is NOW that I feel like a  true Yogi. Becoming a mom has humbled me and enlightened me. Truly challenging and completely worth every moment.Tears of frustration and pure joy! Having a village or community of supportive open-minded moms around me, means so much!

Ryah and family

Ryah and family

NJMOM: What are your favorite businesses in NJ?

Ryah: I shop locally and organically as much as possible (being a family of 6) I’m passionate and mindful about supporting small businesses, local artisans and independent yoga studios.

Practicing the “act” or gesture of support, connection and community is quite natural. Being an independent yoga studio owner, local artisan and small business myself- I thrive by word of mouth and intimate service. The connection and support for those like minded and hard working is non-negotiable. We naturally gravitate toward each other.

Infini-Tea is a true jewel best local chai tea! Small World Coffee is the best! Z Farm for organic veggies, Bent Spoon cupcakes and hot chocolate, Jammin’ Crepes, Wild Flour, Roots for lunch.

Mistral, Conti’s Pizza, and Triumph Brewery for date night.

For Local Enriching Yoga- Complete Heath in Lawrenceville, One Yoga, Gratitude Yoga, YogaSoul, Rise.


Ryah in scorpion pose

NJMOM: Where do you reside/ vacation in New Jersey?

Ryah: Close is the canal in Lawrenceville is our home- I hear birds in the morning and frogs at night. Trees change with the seasons as I sip coffee with my loving husband on my balcony. I can walk to what I need or want. Being so close to the canal and nature. Trails, farms, local organic food.

My husband & blended family enjoy going to Brigantine NJ, there my generous in-laws open up their beach home to us. The island is a gem where every season has its splendor there.


Ryah and Yoga Master Dharma Mittra

NJMOM: Anything else you’d like to tell parents in New Jersey?

Ryah: It takes a spirited village in New Jersey-support and love one another fully. Don’t forget where you came from and look to where you are going with integrity, and purpose.

Practice great yoga daily, pause and be mindful and buy from small businesses. Smile and connect with those along your path. Namaste ॐ
